Wednesday 12 August 2009


timing is everything, they say. how well you deliver a punch line. when to cram that extra bit of information for an exam. asking someone out. observing the lunar eclipse. driving the stake home to make sure those pesky vampires don't come back to life. people say it's gotta be through the heart, but it's also about when you strike. damn those pesky vampires.

in fact, i recall some time ago, H-dizzle was talking to N-dizzle, both of whom have similar (acquired) taste in 'that's what she said' jokes. in walks another mutual friend. under normal circumstances, she would partake in such josh, but it seems on that particular day, she would be under the weather, and was particular, instead, about the saying of 'that's what she said'. such were the particulars of the incident that H-and-N-dizzle, as a cumulative, had offended the particular friend, with a badly (mis)placed pun cum joke. because they inadvertently (and unknowingly) were off in their timing. i digress slightly from my point.

which is,




all about timing.

and vampires.

p/s: the second paragraph was a (feeble) attempt to refer to pushing daisies, which i realise now, does not pull off very well without the monologue to play on the various uses / meanings of 'particular'.


the girl in stiletto said...

did i have anything to do with pushing daisies? :P

cuz i freaking love Ned :D he's just too sweet and awkward :P

etc said...

oooo i didn't know you follow pushing daisies! not one of the ones you listed. a friend of mine (N-dizzle, actually) was the one who introduced it to me when it came out, and i've been loving it ever since. the dialogue and scriptwriting is very awesome.

the girl in stiletto said...

too bad pushing daisies had come to its finale. i'd love to watch more of Ned. that series is plain witty. and olive is just plain hilarious!!

etc said...

goddamit :/ i haven't watched much of season 2 yet, it's disappointing to hear that it's going to end. can't imagine why the series was scrapped though, it's really awesome and it's won lots of awards. i guess retiring during your prime is better than having it drag on and slowly edge into monotonous decrepit (like the x-files).

the girl in stiletto said...

lol. i suspect it was due to the recession. the tv station (which i dont remember either abc or fox or whatever) cut lots of tv series out. and most were really good series. i suppose pushing daisies couldnt get enough rating as high as the hill (something equivocally ridiculous)

etc said...

going to find this 'hill' series producer and go chuck norris on his ass.

they need to get some good series back on air like futurama and daisies.