Monday 20 September 2010

all your time are belong to us

i am only 30. the average life expectancy in a developed country is about 80 years. i have all the time in the world.

i am only sick. terminal cancer patients can live for a median of 1.2 months. or even up to years, if i'm lucky. i have all the time in the world.

i am only a single conscript in an endless war. it's a matter of days before we are shelled out of our foxholes. i have all the time in the world.

i am only here because of the sins of my past. one last meal for a deathrow inmate, one last passage from the bible from an ever-believing pastor. the hours tick 'til the sentence is at hand. i have all the time in the world.

i am only crying out for help and attention. but as my life oozes out of my body as my sanguine blood drips from the lacerations on my wrist, i wonder where the white light leads to. i will know in mere minutes. i have all the time in the world.

i am only trying to make the world a better place. as the sound of a sniper rifle echoes from a distance, i know the whistling bullet is seconds away from impacting my skull. i have all the time in the world.

i am only a fictional character in a fictional world of fictional disasters and fictional ends. nuclear fallout has never looked so unintimidating. picoseconds before all is lost. i have all the time in the world.

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